Mid-Season Clearing

Happy Imbolc!!  Let's get to cleaning!

I used to be pagan back before I became an atheist.  But I still honor certain pagan holidays (maybe that makes me a paganish-Buddhisty-athiest?), because I do believe in celebrating the earth and the turning of the seasons.  Which usually means I celebrate the four equinoxes/solstices, but Imbolc the midpoint between winter and spring.  It's like saying "I know spring is coming, and winter will be over soon".  Though living in the Midwest, we all know that winter can hold on up until the last moment.  For me, Imbolc is about preparing for spring, and getting a head start on spring activities, such as spring cleaning and decluttering.  I know, it sounds strange to see something as mundane as decluttering as something spiritual.  But in actuality, everything can be spiritual and everything should be spiritual.  If we don't feel like there is a greater purpose to our activities, then we may not have the fire lit under our butts to get them done.  Or rather, we don't feel connected enough to what we do in order to do it.  When you make something spiritual, you feel connected to it in a way that you wouldn't otherwise.  And if you make decluttering something you feel connected to, you are more apt to not only get it done, but do it more often.  

Clearing our lives to make more space for the new is a wonderful way to not only honor the season, but also yourself.  Give yourself something fresh this mid-season, rather than just the winter "blahs".  

Clearing doesn't just mean decluttering your house, it can mean decluttering your life, too.  Removing toxicity, or negative people from your life, clearing up your schedule to help you feel calmer and more serene, quitting that dead-end job and find something that suits you better, etc.  Clearing can mean anything you want it mean.  It just depends on what you need right now.

There is a movement out there created by Catholic that is called "40 Bags in 40 Days", in which you take the days of Lent and get as many garbage bags of stuff out of your house as you can (whether they are garbage or donation).  It's a decluttering Lenten resolution.  They found a way to take this mundane task and make it not only spiritual, but fun and exciting as a challenge.  You don't even have to be Catholic to participate.  You can read more about it here: 40 Bags in 40 Days  

You can use Imbolc decluttering (or life-clearing) as a challenge, too, to start on February 1st and end on the spring equinox, which is on or around March 19-21 (2023 is March 20th).  Which is almost two months.  Your goal would be to declutter your entire house (or clear the cobwebs from your life) with the mindset of creating space for spring to bring in the new.  Let's start with some journaling exercises to help you find your "why" to declutter (we all need a "why" to not only start, but to light that initial fire).  Know that I found these prompts on the internet and will list their pages below: 

  • What needs to be cleared in my life to make space? 
  • How am I transforming? 
  • What seeds am I planting? 
  • What exists on that horizon?
  • While you’ve been cooped up over the winter, what has been growing & stirring within you?
  • What tiny buds of new life are beginning to appear from winter dreams? 
  • What new beginning are you experiencing? 
  • What are the projects & plans you’d like to bring to life over the next few months? 
  • Are there changes currently taking place in your life, or transitions you are experiencing that are making you feel out of balance or uncomfortable?
  • Reflect on what word you chose for this year. Spend time meditating on how you’ve been bringing it into fruition and what you can do if you haven’t yet.  (You can read about my words of the year here)
  • What can you do now to help save the earth and reduce your waste? How can you prioritize making eco-friendly decisions?
  • How can I best nurture myself and others right now?
I hope these help you get started on your "mid-season" decluttering (or whatever else these prompts bring up for you).  If so, tell me about below!  I'd love to hear what you're up to this mid-season!  


UPDATE: I took my own advice and my husband and I cleaned out our bedroom (it's a big room) and our closet (which we hadn't cleaned in 2 years) and we filled the box that our snowblower came in with things to donate!!  It was a huge box and very heavy to lift into the car when we were done LOL!  Now I feel that I am getting ready for springtime!!  I feel lighter and more airy, and air is the element of spring, so bring on the spring weather!  Whoo hoo!