The To-Do List Timer Game for Productivity

This is a fun little game where you make a To-Do List.  Think every little and big thing you need to get done with, ala "capture list" via GTD (click here for instructions) if you want get real deep into it (I looove to make mind maps for this!  Here is a complete list of things to include.  But rather than going through and moving everything into their prospective places like in the GTD method, instead set a timer for 15 minutes and see what you can get done in that amount of time.  I've created a check box worksheet for you to use to have fun with it!  So, start with capturing all the incomplete items that hold your attention and then grab your timer and go!  Maybe give yourself a prize if you complete one entire box during your timeframe?  Or however you want to work it!  Just have fun with it!

Click here for the worksheet!